Taking Flight đź•Š

Muaaz Saeed
2 min readFeb 27, 2021

As one journey ends, another begins. That’s the part of life. The journey that ends, becomes a memory. Some are good memories, and unfortunately some are bad memories. But overall, you remember. As for my Amal fellowship, this journey also ended. But this journey will help me on the many other journeys that I am going to have in future. As you know that fellowship sessions were only on weekends. So, this journey started as waiting for weekend the whole week, and then “Oh Shoot, No weekend for me. I have a session today”. After 2–3 weeks, this changed to “Oh Yes, I have a fellowship session today”.

My group’s mega project got accepted and we were working on it quiet peacefully, and suddenly there comes the mock interviews. As I came to know about mock interviews, my heart went upside down. After so much pressure, my mock interview passed, and it went quiet well. And then after some time our mega project group presentation came. Before the actual presentation, there was a mock presentation. And that mock presentation went horrible. I was bad in that presentation. After 2–3 days of remorse, I decided to give my 100% for final presentation. And then I had a one on one session with my Program Manager Ma’am Yusra, a day before the presentation. In that session Ma’am Yusra gave me a motivation that I cannot express words. In short, she showed me a whole new path. She also gave me motivation for my final presentation. After that session, I thought that what can go wrong, after all I will learn something. And on the next day, I was much better than the mock presentation.

And after presentation, there’s comes the last session of the fellowship. I was thinking like “what? Last session, this fellowship passed like a blink of an eye”. Even though I never met in person with anyone, but I was very sad inside. You know maybe we will never see each other again; everyone will be busy with their lives so and so. And here’s the picture of our last session;

Even though we never met in person, but everyone was emotional. And that changed my point of view regarding emotional attachment. You don’t need to be close to feel close. I will try to be active in our Facebook and WhatsApp groups, so I can remain in touch with my Amal Family.

For Ma’am Yusra and Ma’am Aliya, I cannot thank you enough. You don’t know how grateful I am to both of you. May Allah (SWT) bless you in both worlds. And for my fellows, thank you for making this journey one of my best memory. All the best to everyone. I wish you a happy and bright future.♡

